Sybille Heinzl - Naturopath/Osteopath
Nice that you are here!
My name is Sybille Heinzl, I am a naturopath specializing in osteopathy with more than 20 years of professional experience.
I can say that I live my "vocation". For as long as I can remember I have wanted to work with people.
Through the birth of my two daughters, I became acquainted with alternative healing methods.
I discovered my passion for all things related to life's big questions, the human body, personal growth, spirituality and the healing of body, mind and spirit. Many training courses followed.
However, I found the most profound answers to get to the essence, to the cause and solution of symptoms, in osteopathy.
I combine osteopathy and other alternative healing methods into a holistic concept.
Through my trained, sensitive perception, I use my entire knowledge in my treatments individually, depending on what the person needs in order to find out the cause of their symptoms as far as possible.
I don't just look at a patient's symptom, I look at the whole body, including diet, relationships, emotions and the environment.
My patients include babies, toddlers and adults up to old age.
Since 2001 I have been the owner of the ZENOMED - Center for Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine in Teaching, a location in Northern Germany, and I work innovatively with doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, midwives and other health professionals.
Another practice location is in Marbella, Spain. Feel free to ask about available dates!
I look forward to meeting you!
Naturopath (certified to practice medicine professionally)
Osteopathy studies , 5 years part-time, OSD Hamburg, 1455 hours
Osteopathic treatment in pediatrics (pediatrics) 2-year training
Cranio Sacral Therapy , 2 years
Cranio Sacral Therapy in Pediatrics, 2 years
Biodynamic Osteopathy , Phase I - IX
Biodynamic Paediatrics, Phases I – III
Member of the BVO Bundesverband Osteopathie eV, Germany
Member of the Naturopata Association Cofenat, Spain
Osteopathic trauma treatment (Shock, burn-out syndrome, emotional trauma, PTSD ..)
Various perception training courses
ear acupuncture
Homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional advice
Systemic constellations
relaxation techniques, meditation
respiratory therapy
NLP Neurolinguistic Programming
EMDR Eye Movement Therapy
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Voluntary work in social aid projects in Cuba
German (native language)
English (B2/C1)
Spanish (B1/B2)
French (8 yrs in school)